Music and Atmosphere

The atmosphere is one of the most important aspects of this project. I'd say the soundtrack is 70% of the atmosphere, and the writing and visuals are perceived around the music. 

I imagined the entire story as I listened to music, and some dialogue scenes are directly inspired by certain tracks.

I've talked to a few musicians and the ones who answered were so, so nice :).  I won't be mentioning their names yet, since they might change their minds, but I'm very grateful they allowed me to use their music.

Some of the tracks were made by me. They're not as good as the others, but I like them, still. Here are some of them! )))

Get Set Yourself on Fire


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The music is so beautiful. I take the same approach with all my games. Music drives the atmosphere so much. I often just lie down listening to ambient, drone, minimal electronic playlists and let my mind wander and build words and worlds. Looking forward to this experience!